Sunday, June 8, 2008

Some pathetic losers in the class/school

We've found out that some pathetic people have came back to class within the holidays (around 4-5th june) and vandalised someone's table with paint.

For the bastard who's looking at this, you better own up or I'll just have to report to the DM when school reopens. FYI, the white and gold paint you used is not the class' but mine. I did not claim any money from the class fund for the materials used for the farewell. So, not only did you vandalised someone's table. You used my paint and the brush completely and threw it in the dustbin after using it. You offended me and I have to take action.

Those who have seen anybody in the class during the period please do let me know. Any information regarding this hatecrime do also let me know. Obviously, someone came in from the window an opened the back door or something.

I can't stand low-life people like this. Just tell the person face to face if you don't like the person, coward.

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