Saturday, August 30, 2008

September Break Homework

Let me tell you this. This September holiday is not really a break for us. I suggest you all start revising you EOY now. If you choose not to, then I got nothing to say.

List of homework for the week:

-Self-study textbook chapter 11.4 & 11.5
-Finish workbook's worksheet 11B
-Finish Physics Video Project
-Revise Chapter 1-11 for EOY

-Revise for test on Term 4 Week 2; Chapter 13, 14 + ionic equations
This is will be our last chemistry test before the EOY.
-Chemistry workbook page 71-94 (no kidding)
-Revise Chapter 1-16 for EOY

-Finish the Revision Questions
-Revise Chapter 1-7 for EOY

Social Studies
-Finish the SS paper
-Revise Chapter 1-6 for EOY

-Finish up the paper he gave on 27/8/08, entitled 'Holiday Work'

Additional Mathematics
-Go Lead Portal and self-study the chapters on circles and coordinate geometry before the tutorial. The information mentioned above can be accessed from your account's inbox.

-Finish biology workbook, Respiration****Updated

-Group Project on any topic

-Group Presentation Project

For Chinese Students,

Chinese Homework
-Chinese Comprehension Paper
-Chinese Project
Mathematics Tutorial
Date: 2/9/08
Time: 9am to 12noon
Venue: 3Opal classroom
Attire: Anything that's related to our school
Note* : Please remember to bring your AM textbook, exercise book and writing materials.

Reminder to those who have not submit your signed report slip and CME individual project.
Please submit it to Mr Venkat when you come back to school for the tutorial.

Reminder to those who have not submit your reply slip. Do bring it on the day you are going to have your oral.
Pet Rocket Participants

Please be reminded that you have a Workshop on 4 Sept (thurs), 1.30pm to 5.30pm, in school
and the Competition on 6 Sept (Sat), 7.30am to 12pm, report to school 1st at 6.50am!

Each student to bring a pair of scissors, a penknife, permanent markers and not forgetting the the most important thing, TWO 1.5 litre bottlesof the SAME & APPROPRIATE types (Each tem must have at least 4 or more bottles)
If what I've written is wrong or if had missed out something, please contact me ASAP. Thanks.


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