Thursday, December 18, 2008
Promotion to 4Opal!
Now now.... I want you all to come up with a new URL suggestion for the blog. We can't be using 3opaloeight anymore.
I've thought of using 4opalonine. what do you all think????
Tagboard will be put up for now and I really hope nobody, I mean NOBODY, will spam the board with darn lame crap and shit. Use your own name. If I see any rubbish, criticism against others, I will take down the board immediately.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Infomation you ought to know
Venue: Pasir Ris Costa Sands Resort
Date: 21-23 December 2008
No. of rooms: 2
BBQ on the 2nd night.
Supplier: EZB-BBQ made easy
The Packages
List of food/items
If I don't recieve any feedback I take it as I can choose what it seem fit.
Things you MUST bring if you're staying over:
-Minimum 4 sets of comfortable decent clothes
-At least 4 sets of undergarment. Mr&Mrs Bean will be thrown out of the house.
-Personal towel for showering (you can bring 2 'coz towels may not dry overnight)
-Soap and Shampoo
-Jacket if you cannot stand the cold in thin blankets
-Sandals/Slippers to navigate about
-An extra pair of socks
-Handphone charger + 2 pin socket inserts
-Hard cash of at least $50 for your other meals, expenses like theme park, bicycle rental and more
-Medications if you're supposed to be on
Optional Stuff to bring:
-Hairdryer if you're desperate to dry your hair
-Hair gel or wax if you're really vain
-Extra towels
-Tissues for morning flu sickness
-Camera with plenty of batteries
-LAPTOP. There's fre access to Internet.
-Card games, no poker coz no gambling. Bring healthy games like UNO etc.
-Board games like monopoly or whatever game non-related to gambling
That's basically about everything. If I've missed out anything, be responsible and inform me. Thankyou.
Friday, October 17, 2008
We are left with 3 days together as a class in school. How sad.
Please support the class chalet and tee by attending it and offering constructive ideas. Thankyou!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
September Break Homework
Let me tell you this. This September holiday is not really a break for us. I suggest you all start revising you EOY now. If you choose not to, then I got nothing to say.
List of homework for the week:
-Self-study textbook chapter 11.4 & 11.5
-Finish workbook's worksheet 11B
-Finish Physics Video Project
-Revise Chapter 1-11 for EOY
-Revise for test on Term 4 Week 2; Chapter 13, 14 + ionic equations
This is will be our last chemistry test before the EOY.
-Chemistry workbook page 71-94 (no kidding)
-Revise Chapter 1-16 for EOY
-Finish the Revision Questions
-Revise Chapter 1-7 for EOY
Social Studies
-Finish the SS paper
-Revise Chapter 1-6 for EOY
-Finish up the paper he gave on 27/8/08, entitled 'Holiday Work'
Additional Mathematics
-Go Lead Portal and self-study the chapters on circles and coordinate geometry before the tutorial. The information mentioned above can be accessed from your account's inbox.
-Finish biology workbook, Respiration****Updated
-Group Project on any topic
-Group Presentation Project
For Chinese Students,
Chinese Homework
-Chinese Comprehension Paper
-Chinese Project
Mathematics Tutorial
Date: 2/9/08
Time: 9am to 12noon
Venue: 3Opal classroom
Attire: Anything that's related to our school
Note* : Please remember to bring your AM textbook, exercise book and writing materials.
Reminder to those who have not submit your signed report slip and CME individual project.
Please submit it to Mr Venkat when you come back to school for the tutorial.
Reminder to those who have not submit your reply slip. Do bring it on the day you are going to have your oral.
Pet Rocket Participants
Please be reminded that you have a Workshop on 4 Sept (thurs), 1.30pm to 5.30pm, in school
and the Competition on 6 Sept (Sat), 7.30am to 12pm, report to school 1st at 6.50am!
Each student to bring a pair of scissors, a penknife, permanent markers and not forgetting the the most important thing, TWO 1.5 litre bottlesof the SAME & APPROPRIATE types (Each tem must have at least 4 or more bottles)
If what I've written is wrong or if had missed out something, please contact me ASAP. Thanks.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Week occupied by tests
Monday - English Composition Test (on Argumentative Writting)
Tuesday - Biology (chapter 8 & 9) since there's no Bio on monday and Chemistry (chapter 15 with some word equations involved)
Wednesday - As stated on the whiteboard, Physics on Wed.
Thursday - For elective Geography students, there's a test on Coasts.(the different processes and drawing of diagrams)
Friday - Currently none.
CME projects
Individual - Come up with a write-up of your future ambition/career. (make it appealing)
Deadline: 29th August
Group - Get into groups of 3-4 (I think 5 also can). Come up with any topic that you want to share.
Deadline: After your September Holidays
For the chinese students,
please remember you have a project of 2 assignments to complete. Refer to the paper given by Mdm Goh.
That's all mates. Study hard for the tests and start your revision for EOY! Gambatte!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
20 July 08
Do rmb t wear a headscarf(fer the ladies)+ long pants
Jeans are allowed, snacks will be provided on the bus.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Things you ought to have done when school reopens
- Get your ankle sock above your ankle. Show the DM your socks. Don't hide them. Sock hiders will be subjected to punishments set by the DMs.
- Guys, do have a decent haircut. Fringes not below your eyebrows. Hair not touching your collar and ear. Side burns have to be shaved.
- Girls, do get a nice trim and tie them up if it touches or hangs below your shoulder. Hairpins/bands and etc must be either black or dark blue.
Things to bring
- Your homework.
- Your report book (with Parent's Signature)
- Yourself
- Your bag
- Your stationeries
- Follow the Term 2's timetable. If they change the timetable and the teachers ask why didn't bring can just say you follow the timetable. They won't scold you like that.
I think that's about all. If I've missed out anything, do let me know. Thanks.
*NOTE for the class' SLs*
- Do remember to sign/fill up your edusave form for the camp.
- Do remember to bring the amount of cash you need to pay for your white long sleeve shirts or skirts. Long sleeve shirt $10 , Skirt $20
- Do remember to inform your parents that you'll be staying back on monday to try out the blazers at the hall after school, 2.30pm (if didn't rmb wrongly)
- For guys, do remember to get yourself a pair of black leather shoes.
- For girls, do remember to get yourself a pair of cock shoes (if I'm not wrong).
Oh forgot to mention. Be mentally prepared to change your seats as mr Venkat had already said that some people will have to change their seats in Term3. There might be ppl moving from front to back and back to front. So hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Hehe.
UPDATED sections are coloured red.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Duty Roster Term 3.

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Was wondering if you all want to take a class pic in class and put it up here.
And, do you all want your bdays to be listed here? How about your CCAs too?
If no violent objections, I will edit it by the end of next week probably.
Those who can make a blogskin do make one for the class. Appreaciate all helping hands. Thankyou.
Some pathetic losers in the class/school
For the bastard who's looking at this, you better own up or I'll just have to report to the DM when school reopens. FYI, the white and gold paint you used is not the class' but mine. I did not claim any money from the class fund for the materials used for the farewell. So, not only did you vandalised someone's table. You used my paint and the brush completely and threw it in the dustbin after using it. You offended me and I have to take action.
Those who have seen anybody in the class during the period please do let me know. Any information regarding this hatecrime do also let me know. Obviously, someone came in from the window an opened the back door or something.
I can't stand low-life people like this. Just tell the person face to face if you don't like the person, coward.
June Holiday Homework
1. Social Studies Assignment
2. Geography Assignment ( for Elect. Geog students. )
3. English Journal
4. Maths Inequalities Test on
5. Pi project. Do make sure you have everything ready with your group members by the end of the holidays. We have no time to spare later on.
I think that's all.
If I've missed out something please do let me know.
If you do not have the paper for Items 1, 2 or 3, I am able to scan a copy and send it to you.
For the Pi project, let me make myself clear. I want everybody to have their project done by the end of the holidays. We are the only class presenting it at the assembly and I hope you all work with your group members. Let's show the school what 3opal is made of!
For those extremely irresponsible slackers, I have nothing much to say, you are really irresponsible and I don't know why you're in this class anyway if you are one.
1 more homework.
Do log in to your account at
Both User and Pass are your IC no.
Do explore around.
There are the materials for your Pi day Project.
There's A maths homework on the web.
When you reach the page, press the heading, not the white boxes.
Deadline is school reopen.
Basically, the A maths homework are Ex 4.1 and 4.2. The webpage teaches you the topic. Start on a new Ex book for A maths and start doing.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
MYE's Over!
MYE's finally over. But don't be too relax, there's still the O levels. Hahaha!
Anyway, please remember to pay $4 for the ICAS English thingy and hand in all the files, books that you're supposed to hand in.
Rest well, everybody!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Mr Goh's farewell thingy
1.Classroom neatness/tidyness
I think we should all be serious now. Keeping the class clean is everyone's responsibility. What's the duty roster for? Can you people on duty do your job? For those who have to arrange tables and chairs nicely, I suggest you people stay back after school and move the tables and chairs. For people on sweeping the floor, I'm really quite pissed off at you all. The class is obviously not clean enough, stop compairing with other classes, we are 3Opal, there's a standard we should meet. I've already assigned some people in groups 3 already, you three can take turns to sweep right? Stop complaining that the other party is not doing his/her duty, you should be the one asking him/her to do so. People wiping the whiteboard are okay though some of you can be more alert sometimes.
2.Classroom Hygiene
Eating of food in class. I know some of you brought food into the class and eat, I can't really say much since I, myself have also eaten in class before. But, please, please, throw away the wrappers or the plastic bags into the rubbish bin. Sweets are okay, but there are always empty sweet boxes and wrappers lying on the floor. Unwanted paper please throw away yourself. People at the corner and sides, Do Not stack your rubbish pile, people using tissues please do not leave it on your desk when you leave the classroom, throw it away. They can drop and race along the classroom floor.
If anybody continues to litter in class, I will list down the names on the blog and also report to the DM or any teacher. People like BenJia and Joe, please throw away the rubbish.
It's like no use helping you all clear your rubbish, sweeping the floor and arranging your stuffs, tables and chairs, it will all go back to its original state the day after.
3. Vandalism/Social Discrimination
Clearly, none of you are supposed to vandalise the tables and wars, somemore, you're not even suppose to vandalise other people's tables and chairs.
Please do not provoke/harm or do anything bad to one another and be civilised people. If you do not want people to treat you like that, then do not treat others like that in the 1st place.
4. Respect
I will bring in ms Ho's mutual respect thingy. Respect one another, do not bully those who are weak and take advantage of them. If one does not wish to do something, do not force them to, it's against their will, imagine I do that to you, will you like it? For some people, please have patience and understanding towards them, step into their shoes first before saying anything.
5. Changing of seats
Unless the person is not present in school, you may wish to change seats if everyone agrees to it, you can do so. Please do switch places with one another during class. I find it rude. If you want to sit with that somebody, you might as well choose to sit with him/her in the 1st place, it's really unfair to those who did not have a say in their arrangement of seat .
6. Playing of pranks
Seriously, those who played water after school in the class on 9th April please apologize to the person whoose chair and other chairs you've poured to. Please also own up. And to add on, if any of your friends come to our class, please let them know that this is not their class, they do not have the right to vandalise and play with our class property. I will not hesitate like last time in telling the DM if these things goes on again.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Farewell party for our Form teacher?
We can go for :
Package A
- Banner
Package B
- Nice big cake
Package C
- Banner + Cake + food&drinks
Standard item include a memorial vanguard sheet board filled with each of us, 3opalians' last words and things you want to say.
So with all these preparations, we need the budget, so it's time for each of us to contribute to the class fund.
So class! please pay $4 to Daryl on Monday, the faster we finish this, the better it is.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Do you want to be Hooked? Oops, I mean Linked.
I've been to quite a few people's blog from our class and I was wondering if anybody wants to be linked?
So c'mon and let me know if you want to be linked! ahhh~
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Geog homework!~
Class, there's still one more homework if you forgot:
- Geography workbook ex 4.1 and 4.2
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The draft of the Sitting Arrangement
Here's the draft:
Okays, I've made a but of changes of it.
-May Shuan and Carmen had switched with Meng Tuck and Asyraf for some apparent reasons.
Queries made by :
1.Syafiq & Brandon - Want to change seats with Mandy & Jasmine. But 'okay sitting at the window area' by Brandon.
Reason(s) = Don't want to be near with 'noisy' people.( negative cluster forming..take note )
Status = Pending. . .
2. Abel - Want to sit somewhere between 1st and 3rd column, probably at the sides. Hope somebody is willing to swap or change the place. Don't mind sitting with someone now.
Reason(s) = Can not concentrate. Noisy element beside.
Status = Pending. . .
3. SiYing - Want to sit infront.
Reason(s) = Can not see from the back.
Status = Pending. . .
4. Leonard - Don't want to be near John?
Reason(s) = No Idea
Status = Pending. . .
Links? and Class Tee.
I will look into the class tee a few days later. Sorry for the delay.
The vice-chair and I had decided to put back the tagboard because the blog's quite dead. So, with the tagboard back up there, we would like you all to make full use of it and dun spam. Please your your name or nick and stick to that.
- As long as there's someone spamming, we'll take out the class blog. the whole thing.
List of Holiday Homeworks!
This is the list of homework for the holiday:
Updated section!***
-physics workbook 4A
-Geography corrections
-VE homework. The link is here,
Let's all thank Kai En for telling me. XD
-E maths Worksheets No.1,2,3,4 and 5.
-Maths Quizstar.
Your User is your IC and then your Pass is 3opal2008.
-Social Studies Project
-Geography Project
-Maths Journal on Amaths chapt3 Alpha & Beta
-English Grammar Pg 67-69
-English Comprehension Pg 115-122
For the chinese students, there's :
-The chinese Pink coverpage, you have to do something like 'xi zi'
- Chinese Letter Writting
-Then the chinese worksheets
If anybody wish to update the blog with any information. Do inform me.
Friday, February 29, 2008
The purpose of writing your house no. and handphone no. of yours today is to let the class committe members to have a chance to inform you guys if there's anything that you people need to know. In total there are 5groups that the class will be divided in and it has already been set. Each group has 1 committe member in-charge. The committe member of your group will be the person to inform you of any information. I hope you guys will co-operate with them. If you have not given your numbers to the chairman/vice-chairman, please do so by 7thmarch2008, friday. Thankyou.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
warning to all
Sunday, February 10, 2008
2. The classroom. Please make sure you do your duties. I think the class needs more decoration. So please reach out your hands and have a heart... help the class!
Well, I would like somebody to create a skin for this blog. woots.
Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year to you all!